Electrical Helper

by Sarika Rathore



Electricity is the Vital requirement of our daily life, all age group of people are handle the Electrical appliances. Electricity is also dangerous in terms of human Safety & fire incidences. There are many fatal accidents & fire incidences reported every day due lack of knowledge about handling of electricity. Electrical Expenses Contribute 10% ~20% of monthly bill of every individual & institutions, and it is unavoidable. Electrical Helper App has made for taking day to day decisions about Safe Operations & Energy Conservation; it helps to all Skill level professionals. It used basic Electrical formulas and best Industrial Practices. It try to give the results with minimum input data. It is Capable to Calculate Power, Voltage, Current & Energy. User can get difficult & tedious Calculation with in a second with basic knowledge skills about motors, Transformers, Relay Setting and Relay Coordination check. This is effective tool to Calculate the Inverse definite minimum time relay ( IDMT) setting on Normal Inverse Curves. It also helps to Calculate HP [Horse power], Speed of motor on variable frequency, System short Circuit Current, Cable Selections up to 11 kV & 33 kV, CT & PT Calculations.